Amendment of SHIP2FAIR Grant Agreement

Due to unforeseen parameters regarding a demonstration site assigned to Industrial Solar, amendments will be made in relation to the grant agreement for the Horizon 2020 project SHIP2FAIR. Thus, no second demonstration system with Industrial Solar's technology will be built, which might result in a budget reduction of up to 500 k€.

Industrial Solar GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of CISH AB, is member of the consortium of the project SHIP2FAIR supported by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 program. The project aims to foster the integration of solar heat in industrial processes of the agro-food industry and started in April 2018.
According to the original project plan, Industrial Solar was supposed to install two demonstration systems, one in Italy and one in Portugal. As the site in Italy was not suitable for a demonstration project, Industrial Solar and the consortium suggested to include a new partner for a demo system into the consortium, which was rejected by the European commission.
As the project is already delayed due to the Covid-19 crisis, the general assembly of the project decided today not to propose a further alternative site for a demonstration system.
The cancellation of a second demonstration site with Industrial Solar technology could affect the budget allocated to Industrial Solar until mid 2023 by up to 500 k€.